A Treat from the Archives...

November 13, 2019

Our recent exhibit on food law reminded one of the Law Librarians of this treasure hiding in her office: a cookbook put together by the Southern New England Law Librarians Association back in 1983! 

Cover of cookbook, titled "Cooks' Reports." The cover image is of an idyllic small New England farm town.

The volume, Cooks' Reports, (not to be confused with Coke's Reports) collects a variety of recipes from law librarians and lawyers throughout New England. We've collected a few of our favorites* for you to peruse below:

Recipe for Dandelion Wine. Recipe ends with the statement: "One glass a day is the dose. (my grat-aunt's recipe doesn't say what for."
Recipe for "Old Hartford Election Cake," which was traditionally served on Election Day in early New England.
Recipe for Raisin Potpourri. The author explains: "This recipe came about when I awoke in the middle of the night and remembered that I had promised to bring a goody to a party in one of our offices the next morning."Recipe for "Jellied Cranberry Wine Salad," made from crushed pineapple, walnuts, and whole cranberries suspended in rasberry gelatin mixed with burgundy.Recipe for Stuffed Grapefruit. Recipe involves combining grapefruit flesh with organge juice, avocado, and shrimp.

Recipe for Elderberry Wine. Recipe ends with an unsourced quote: "This is the than-whicher there is no than which."

And, of course, we would be negligent to leave out Arthur Charpentier's definitive account of the proper way to prepare a lobster!

A long and detailed story outlining the best way to steam - not boil - a lobster.

 *NOTE: all recipes have been selected primarily for novelty and/or commentary, and have not been tested by the current library staff.  If you do try making any of these, leave a comment to let us know how it turned out!